Launch of APO Productivity Databook 2023
Key Highlights of the APO Productivity Databook 2023
· Twenty-one APO member profiles and five regional profiles with productivity indicators.
· Introduces new methodologies, such as capitalization of mineral and energy resources (MER) and improved estimates of land stock and labor quality.
· Economic Growth Trends: From 2015 to 2021, Asia31’s (21 APO members and 10 nonmembers) economy grew annually by 4%. In 2021, they accounted for 48% of the global economy, compared with the USA (16%) and EU27 (14%). Projections for 2030 indicate Asia’s global economic share increasing to 53%.
· Sector-specific Analyses: Despite diversification efforts, agriculture, forestry, and fishery still dominated employment in Asia in 2021, accounting for 30% of jobs. Meanwhile, manufacturing emerged as a significant sector, comprising over 20% of total value added in 12 Asian countries.
The APO Productivity Databook 2023 is available in both digital and print formats and can be accessed and downloaded for free from the link below.
The APO Productivity Database 2023, an online tool that provides productivity data on 31 Asian countries and benchmarks from multiple economic groups worldwide, is also updated in the link below.
About the APO
The Asian Productivity Organization (APO) is a regional intergovernmental organization dedicated to improving productivity in the Asia-Pacific region through mutual cooperation. It is nonpolitical, nonprofit, and nondiscriminatory. Established in 1961 with eight founding members, the APO currently comprises 21 member economies: Bangladesh; Cambodia; the ROC; Fiji; Hong Kong; India; Indonesia; I.R. Iran; Japan; the ROK; Lao PDR; Malaysia; Mongolia; Nepal; Pakistan; the Philippines; Singapore; Sri Lanka; Thailand; Turkiye; and Vietnam.
The APO is shaping the future of the region by fostering the socioeconomic development of its members through national policy advisory services, acting as a think tank, institutional capacity-building initiatives, and knowledge sharing to increase productivity.
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Asian Productivity Organization
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This news is a press release provided by Asian Productivity Organization.