Samsung Unveils the World’s First WiBro (Mobile WiMAX) Handsets at 2005 APEC IT Exhibition

뉴스 제공
삼성전자 코스피 005930
2005-11-15 08:28
Seoul--(뉴스와이어)--Samsung will demonstrate WiBro (Wireless Broadband; Korean brand name of Mobile WiMAX) mobile phones and systems at the "2005 APEC IT Exhibition" during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). Various applications such as broadcasting, home networking, video telephony, VOD, and navigations will be presented at the exhibition with Samsung's latest WiBro (Mobile WiMAX) handsets.

Samsung will continue to demonstrate its leadership in the telecommunication industry with the unveiling of two world's first WiBro phones at this year's exhibition. As WiBro gets prepared to be fully implemented and utilized in the market next year, Samsung will put on display both the mobile phone-typed H1000 and the PDA-typed M8000.

The H1000 is a clamshell designed phone that can be opened both horizontally and vertically with a QWERTY key pad. It has 2.2 inch LCD screen to enhance email and internet capabilities. The H1000 also has dual cameras (2 megapixel and VGA level) and TV Output function. The M8000 is a smart phone equipped with a QWERTY key pad for easy email usage. Additionally, Samsung will feature a WiBro PCMCIA card that can be used in laptops and Tablet PCs.

Samsung will present live demonstrations of WiBro service in a special vehicle for participating APEC and IT industry leaders with Korea Telecom (KT), Korea's largest telecommunications operator. Samsung supplied and installed WiBro systems including 12 RAS's (Radio Access Station) at 9 main spots in Busan and devices for KT's WiBro demonstrations.

"We are proud to present the world's first WiBro terminals and latest DMB phones to the leaders attending the APEC meeting. The WiBro services will be commercialized next year and we will lead this market by providing innovative products to our consumers and provide a shift in paradigm to ease one’s lives," said Mr. Kitae Lee, President and CEO of Samsung's Telecommunications Network Business.

삼성전자 개요
삼성전자는 반도체, 통신, 디지털 미디어와 디지털 컨버전스 기술을 보유한 글로벌 리더다. 삼성전자는 디지털 어플라이언스 부문, 디지털 미디어 부분, LCD 부분, 반도체 부분, 통신 네트워크 부분 등 5개 부문으로 이뤄져 있다. 세계에서 가장 빠르게 성장하는 브랜드인 삼성전자는 스마트폰, 디지털 TV, 메모리 반도체, OLED, TFT-LCD 분야에서 세계 선두 주자다.



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