Siemens Korea delivers daily necessities worth 10 million won to the local community

Delivers daily necessities worth KRW 10 million to about 200 households through Seodaemun Community Center

Celebrates 10th anniversary of foundation of in-house volunteer corps in 2022

Remains committed to fulfilling social responsibility and giving back to society

News provided by
Siemens Ltd. Seoul
Mar. 10, 2022 11:35
SEOUL--(Korea Newswire)--Siemens Korea (Siemens Ltd. Seoul·SLS), a global powerhouse in electrical engineering and electronics, is consistently supporting those in need and giving back to society as part of its ESG business management for sustainable growth.

Siemens Korea announced on March 10 that the company donated 10 million won to the Seodaemun Community Center to help needy neighborhoods facing economic hardship due to the protracted Covid-19 crisis. With the donation, an aid kit consisting of ready-to-cook food and personal sanitation products will be delivered to about 200 households in a non-face-to-face way through ‘Delivery of Daily Necessities’ citizenship program.

Siemens The NANUM volunteer corps, which has conducted various volunteer activities since 2013, marks the 10th anniversary of its foundation this year. Since last year, the corps has shifted its voluntary work to non-contact interactions to protect employees and local communities. The Delivery of Daily Necessities program has been conducted by The NANUM with the Seodaemun Community Center since 2017.

“I hope that our neighbors in need are able to feel comforted and cheered by our small gesture of contribution amid the rapid spread of the coronavirus. Siemens remains committed to expanding citizenship activities and fulfilling social responsibilities as part of our efforts to accelerate ESG business management” said HaJoong Chung, President, and CEO of Siemens Korea.



Siemens Ltd. Seoul
SungMin Lee
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