Isotrol Surpasses the 100 GW Milestone

The solutions developed by the company already intervene in more than 110 GW of installed power.

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Dec. 01, 2021 11:10
SEVILLE, SPAIN--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--Isotrol, a company which offers technology solutions to the energy sector, has succeeded in ensuring that its systems manage more than 100 GW of installed power. This figure not only includes its solutions to optimize the participation in the wholesale energy markets, but also to efficiently manage the generation assets, which are principally renewable.

The company has broken this record after implementing its technology in more than 450 generation plants this year, after consolidating its position in Europe, the United States and Latin America, and after entering in new markets in which it had not taken part before, such as Australia or Colombia.

“We are growing together with renewables and at the same time the energy transition is taking place”, explains Isotrol’s CEO, Beltrán Calvo. He conveys, “digitalization, by means of developments like ours, is crucial to achieve this change of model”.

For his part, Manuel Losada, COO, explains that “our technology is present from the generation to the energy commercialization, including its network integration”. As he details, this knowledge about the needs of the energy system is “a key feature that stands Isotrol out and allows us to be a long-standing technology partner”.

In this sense, Losada acknowledges that Isotrol does not only work with electrical companies, “which we have been accompanied for almost 40 years”, but also, he concludes that “in addition, we work with Oil and Gas companies and YieldCos, which are having a strong position in the renewable energies”.

About Isotrol

Isotrol develops technology solutions for the energy sector. It is specialized in improving the efficiency and profitability of the renewable energy plants and optimizing the participation in the wholesale energy markets. Isotrol came up as a company pioneer in monitoring and system control in 1984. Today, its systems intervene in more than 100 GW of installed power in 45 countries around the world.

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Francisco Parra
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(+34) 955 036 800

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