Siemens Korea Donates Daily Necessities for Needy Neighbors in the Local Community
Provision of daily necessities worth KRW 10 million to about 230 households with Seodaemun Community Center
‘Delivery of Daily Necessities’ campaign in Seodaemun-gu held since 2017 conducted in a non-contact format
Fulfillment of corporate social responsibilities as a company that grows together with local community, complying with health and safety regulations
Mr. ChewKong Lum, President and CEO of Siemens Korea, said, “To support neighbors left unattended in the lingering coronavirus pandemic, we decided to carry out a non-contact volunteer activity while complying with the health and safety regulations. Siemens Korea will continue to fulfill social responsibilities as a responsible company growing together with our local community.”
Siemens Ltd. Seoul
SungMin Lee
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Duke Kim
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