450 Experts and Professionals Discuss Smart Future Transport in the UAE
Al Maeeni: Testing of first self-driving heavy vehicle in Middle East and Africa in Abu Dhabi-Dubai trip
The conference featured a first-ever experiment in the Middle East and North Africa region, with the first self-driving heavy vehicle making the trip between Abu Dhabi and Dubai for approximately 140 kilometers, marking the longest trip for this type of vehicle in the UAE and possibly in neighboring countries.
HE Abdulla Al Maeeni, Director General of ESMA said that experts discussed the latest technological advancements and new mobility solutions in the transport sector, such as big data, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT) and new alternatives set to radically change the transport sector.
“We tackled Cyber Security Threats in Connected Mobility, the unique technical requirements for self-driving vehicles, as well as the UAE Government's Initiatives on Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles.”
Al Maeeni added: “The UAE has been at the forefront of developing alternate modes of mobility with sustainable technologies, prioritizing the transformation of current mass transport modes into more efficient and intelligent systems. It also seeks to recognize research undertaken by universities across the region in sustainable mobility, development of supporting infrastructure and digital innovation in mobility.”
ESMA introduced the UAE’s first preparation of a technical regulation, including requirements for self-driving vehicles and safety requirements. Participants were briefed about the use of intelligent mobility systems to improve transport efficiency and electric vehicle charging stations, marking a forward-thinking shift in the transport sector.
The UK and Netherlands Governments presented two case studies on the UK’s electric vehicle charging infrastructure and Amsterdam's experience in connected and autonomous vehicles.
New types and models of luxury vehicles were showcased at the accompanying exhibition (Porsche, BMW, Mercedes, Audi…), as well as the first 100% electric bus, the first self-driving truck, the first electric motorcycle.
*Source: AETOSWire
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20191127005428/en/
Website: https://www.esma.gov.ae/en-us
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Mohamed Othman
This news is a press release provided by Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology.