FROSK, Inc.: Support for Korean Mobile App Developers! SmartBeat, the Smartphone App Crash Detection and Analytics Tool, Is Free for 30 Days!
The SmartBeat advantage
SmartBeat makes it easy to address ongoing quality assurance problems. Error from over 100 countries and regions are detected and analyzed, contributing to the quality improvement of apps from around the world.
When a crash occurs, screen captures and a wealth of other data are collected in real time!
Crash detection occurs simultaneous to the error, so even data from users who leave for good is collected and analyzed. Beyond just basic error information, screen captures ensure a better understanding of what caused the error.
Must fix errors are automatically prioritized!
Errors with the same content are automatically grouped, and since it's possible to sort by the number of occurrences or affected users, or filter by app version, etc, errors may be flexibly prioritized.
Multi-platform support! Unreal Engine 4 is supported!
In addition to iOS and Android, Unity, Unreal Engine 4, Cocos2d-x and other Game Engines are supported, so it can be used with many types of apps.
Additionally, there are many other useful features for improving the quality of your apps.
[Feature details]
Campaign Overview
Korean app developers will receive a 30 day extended free trial, normally only 14 days.
* Eligible free trial applications must be made by March 15, 2019 as a first-time business customer.
[Free Trial Application]
[Other inquiries]
About FROSK, Inc.
FROSK, Inc. designs, develops and operates support tools for smart device app developers. In the shape people “wish for”. Delivering a convenient service to speed app development.
Kenta Tanaka
This news is a press release provided by FROSK, Inc..