Settlement Agreement Reached Regarding Infringement of Andersen Tax Trademarks in the U.S.

News provided by
Andersen LLC
Apr. 20, 2017 15:55
SAN FRANCISCO--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--MoHala Enterprises, doing business as Sundial Consulting, and Andersen Tax today announced that they have reached an amicable settlement to a trademark infringement dispute that began in March, 2017. Although the specific terms of the resolution are confidential, MoHala Enterprises d/b/a Sundial Consulting has agreed never to use the terms “Andersen” or “Arthur Andersen” to promote its professional services consultancy, and has withdrawn its membership as an affiliate of the French society calling itself “Arthur Andersen & Co.” Sundial Consulting will also be dissolving Arthur Andersen LLP, a California limited liability partnership it previously formed for purposes of serving as the U.S. member and affiliate of this French society. Andersen Tax, which is the owner of multiple trademark registrations incorporating the name “Andersen” for tax and business consultation services around the world, filed suit against MoHala Enterprises based upon those rights last month, resulting in today’s announced settlement.

For more information, contact Oscar Alcantara, Trademark Counsel at Andersen Tax.

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Andersen Tax
Oscar Alcantara

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