Finpro: Finnish Innovations Help Chinese Telecom Operators Ease Growing Burden on Mobile Networks
Mobile data consumption in China is growing rapidly, with as many as 620 million out of China’s 688 million total Internet users already relying on mobile devices for online access. This trend increases the burden on the Chinese network infrastructure, which in turn translates into an increasing need for robust data transfer and management capabilities and network resiliency to support the growth in traffic.
“Finnovations” at Mobile World Congress Shanghai
Finnish know-how can offer plenty of benefits for the Chinese market where a new generation of digital consumers is creating a growing demand for different kinds of data services, and at the same time, more and more Chinese companies are entering the telecommunications business via the mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) market, looking for innovative business models.
Finnish companies have a strong track record in fields such as data management and analytics, high-quality data roaming, wireless messaging, real-time service fulfillment and virtual core technologies.
A group of companies from Finland with a strong specialization on network technology believe they can help ease the situation. Connectivity from Finland, a Growth Program run by the official Finnish export and investment promotion agency Finpro, will bring a group of Finnish companies to Shanghai from 29 June to 1 July 2016 to meet with prospective customers and partners. The joint trip aims to build important connections and link Finnish expertise with the Chinese telecom sector.
“These are some of the key areas that could benefit the Chinese market, and the companies attending MWC Shanghai have plenty to offer. With the help of our companies, Chinese operators can integrate and restructure available data transfer capacity to provide better services in fields like Internet of Things, e-commerce or mobility, and utilize it to grow and generate new business,” says Mr. Kimmo Aura, Connectivity from Finland Program Director from Finpro.
Finland is known for its telecommunications innovation
Finland is known for its long history and impressive track record in telecommunications innovation. After the success of Nokia, Finnish telecom businesses have introduced a number of new technologies and digital services to the global market: Companies like Comptel, Uros and Varaani have already proven their technology and expanded to several key markets around the world. The country’s digital prowess is based largely on technology companies with extensive ICT competencies, agile problem solving expertise and experience in large-scale, global projects.
“Finland is currently at the global forefront in developing 5G network technology through its open 5G test environment that enables businesses to develop and test new technologies and business models, but we also have a vast pool of expertise in existing network technology that can help relieve the challenges Chinese operators are facing today,” Mr. Aura says.
Seven Finnish telecom companies are participating in Mobile World Congress Shanghai 2016:
· Comptel,
· Cumucore,
· Exomi,
· JL-Soft Oy,
· Piceasoft,
· Varaani,
Finpro helps Finnish SMEs go international, encourages foreign direct investment in Finland and promotes travel to Finland. Finpro is a public organization consisting of Export Finland, Visit Finland and Invest in Finland. Our almost 240 professionals work in 37 Trade Centers in 31 countries and 6 offices in Finland.
Finpro - Growth for Finland
In Team Finland, Finpro manages almost 40 significant Growth Programs such as Cleantech Finland, Food from Finland and FinlandCare. Through the Growth Programs, Team Finland helps hundreds of Finnish companies enter the international market and attracts investments from around the world to Finland
Connectivity from Finland -
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Teija Räsänen
Senior Marketing & Communications Specialist
+358 50 469 9695 (Mobile)
This news is a press release provided by Finpro.