Tae Jung Technical MFG introduces lighter, stronger aluminum JACK ASS’Y

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Apr. 10, 2014 13:26
CHOUNGJU--(Korea Newswire)--POSCO Research Institute says, “There are megatrends that continually influence the future auto industry, and one of them is regulation standard of fuel economy.” As if trying to prove this remark, the companies in the auto industry compete against each other to produce lighter cars. This is because fuel economy and carbon emission are becoming as important as the power of the car in the industry.

Such phenomenon in the auto industry is now affecting auto parts industry as well. Tae Jung Technical MFG Co., Ltd. (CEO Taesoo Shin), an auto parts manufacturer, has fulfilled a noteworthy achievement through studies, reducing the weight of JACK ASS’Y, a core item supplied to General Motors (GM).

JACK ASS'Y is a tool used to lift the car when replacing the tires.
Tae Jung Mechanical MFG acquired a patent in 2006 on ‘making of the aluminum jack for car and the screw bar’ and applied the technology to successfully produce a lighter JACK ASS'Y.

Compared to existing products of the company, the weight was reduced by 35%, and its functionality increased by 1.2 times - 50 times to 60 times, proven with the durability test. Plus, the manufacturing process was shortened from 5 stages to 4 stages.

On the other hand, Tae Jung Technical MFG has been supplying auto parts to GM Korea since 2008, and is now supplying to 11 GM branches in the United States, Europe, Germany, Australia, and Brazil.

CEO Taesoo Shin proudly said, “The new JACK ASS’Y made with stronger, lighter material will serve as the foothold for us to enter the bigger market.”

News Source: Tae Jung Technical MFG Co., Ltd.
Website: www.taejungtech.com

Website: http://www.taejungtech.com


Tae Jung Technical

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