Global Adoption of CMMI Performance Improvement Framework Continues to Rise

- CMMI Institute reports record number of appraisals in 2013 and CMMI models rank as “world class” business solutions for the elevation of organizational performance as evaluated by actual users

News provided by
CMMI Institute
Feb. 25, 2014 22:10
PITTSBURGH--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--CMMI Institute announced today that a record number of Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) appraisals were completed in 2013 as organizations across the globe elevate organizational performance by adopting CMMI. The company also released the findings of a customer satisfaction survey using the Net Promoter® Score (NPS) methodology in which individuals who utilize CMMI rated CMMI as the world class means of improving organizational performance.

CMMI appraisals allow companies to measure their capability maturity against a defined framework of best practices. More than 1,600 appraisals were completed in 2013, the most ever done in one year and an 11% increase over 2012, the previous record year for appraisals. Of the 2013 appraisals nearly 40% were completed in China, where the widespread adoption of CMMI is driving economic growth and development across the region.

“For over twenty years, CMMI has been the gold standard for process improvement in companies and industries that value quality and excellence,” said Kirk Botula, CEO of CMMI Institute. “We are excited to continue to grow with our customers across international borders, where CMMI appraisals help countries to boost competitiveness in the global marketplace and establish international credibility.”

CMMI appraisal ratings are recognized around the world as the mark of capability, allowing suppliers to distinguish themselves from their competition and helping buying firms to hire suppliers that have demonstrated an appropriate level of capability. For buyers looking to work with CMMI appraised organizations, a full overview of results is published in the Public Appraisals Record System (PARS).

The De Facto Standard for Process Improvement

Thousands of companies across multiple industry sectors in 94 countries have adopted CMMI practices to elevate performance and have been appraised for capability and maturity using CMMI models. As part of today’s news, CMMI Institute is releasing the results of its first customer loyalty survey for CMMI using the NPS methodology.

1,841 users of CMMI from around the world were asked to rate how likely they would be to recommend CMMI to elevate organizational performance to a friend or colleague. The results were used to calculate an NPS, which is a measure of customer loyalty used heavily in business markets and verticals. CMMI Institute earned an NPS of 41 with the 2013 survey.

Satmetrix, the company that helped to develop Net Promoter releases benchmark reports annually on NPS score by industry. According to their most recent report, the average NPS for B2B companies is 22 NPS, and the top quartile is 39 and above.

Deborah Eastman, Chief Customer Officer at Satmetrix, states, “NPS has proven to be a leading indicator of future growth for companies because it measures the customer’s likelihood to continue to buy and refer their friends.”

Highlights from the survey include:

· 50% of individuals responded with a 9 or 10 while less than 9% provided a 6 or below resulting in a 41 NPS. This places CMMI in the “world class” category of business solutions as evaluated by actual users.

· When asked why they would recommend CMMI, 45% of respondents cited proven performance results, while another 54% described CMMI as the de facto standard for process improvement.

“CMMI makes the world work better,” added Botula. “We are very encouraged to see the reliability, predictability, and improved performance that CMMI brings to our customers’ business.”

About CMMI Institute

CMMI Institute, a subsidiary of Carnegie Mellon University, provides models, training, consulting services and appraisal methods developed through collaboration of industry, government, and academia. The company’s models are used by organizations around the world to develop products, to deliver services, and to manage data, people, and sourcing. To learn more about how CMMI can help your organization elevate performance, visit or plan to attend The CMMI Conference: SEPG North America 2014, details available at



CMMI Institute
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Brandi Ellerbee

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