Daeyang Medical Develops a Physical Therapy Device WINBACK
Physical therapists can use WINBACK to treat and relieve pain while assigning manual therapy for rehabilitation, sports, and health promotion purposes. WINBACK can be used for the musculoskeletal system as well as for the vascular tissues. It stimulates biomechanical functions of the body - pain, contraction, fibrosis, and edema - to treat muscle/joint injuries.
Therapists can use WINBACK to bring together the energy that regenerates damaged tissues to stimulate cell exchange.
The advantage of WINBACK is that it has shorter treatment time than other devices. WINBACK treatment is quick yet effective. Its treatment time is less than half the usual treatment time. WINBACK’s fast treatment includes FEEDBACK- ACTIVE- SPEED UP- TONIC. The quick and effective WINBACK can be applied for the therapists’ manual therapy techniques - trigger point, MTP.
WINBACK also affects the movement that eases and activates the tensed nerves, muscles, and joints. It helps rehabilitation training and strengthens the body.
Personnel at Daeyang Medical explained that the patients who receive the WINBACK treatment will experience their cell and tissue change while their pains go away.
Established in 1970, Daeyang Medical is a medical device and equipment manufacturer and supplier who is exporting its goods with domestic and international quality certifications to over 70 countries.
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Daeyang Medical Co., Ltd.: http://www.daeyangmed.com/en/main.html
Daeyang Medical Co., Ltd.