Cell-Line Obesity Clinic Osan Branch to Open inside Osan Seoul Children’s Hospital

- To open on 3F of Osan’s first children’s hospital, Seoul Children’s Hospital on November 18th

- My mom and dad changed with the medical body management!

News provided by
Cell-Line Network
Nov. 12, 2013 11:59
SEOUL--(Korea Newswire)--Cell-Line Obesity Clinic Osan Branch to open

On coming November 18th (Mon), Cell-Line Obesity Clinic will open on the third floor of Osan ‘Seoul Children’s Hospital’, the first children’s hospital in Osan.

Osan’s first children’s hospital

Opened on November 11st, Osan ‘Seoul Children’s Hospital’ is the very first children’s hospital in Osan, established by a doctor who formerly worked at ‘Seoul Pediatric Clinic’. Located at a major transportation point, Osan Seoul Children’s Hospital has one floor under and five floors above the ground and has 55 beds where children and parents can stay comfortably.

Satisfying children and parents with professional treatment and homelike comfortableness

Located at a major transportation point, Osan Seoul Children’s Hospital considered the accessibility and convenience of the locals. To achieve optimum space allocation, the hospital considered the mind of patients in planning its exterior and interior design to secure easy access of children and parents. In particular, it allied the ondol heating system in all wards and the hallways to allow children to adapt to the hospital environment and feel comfortable.

Necessity of treatment that considers children’s characteristic

Unlike for adult patients, a lot of times, the treatment method for children patients is decided after observing the treatment progress consistently to select the best method that fits them. Also, children have relatively weaker immunity than adults and they have a difficult time adapting to a new environment. Thus, a specialized ward is needed for children that reflect such situations. Therefore a separate hospitalization service should be provided for children, which cannot be done in regular hospitals. Osan Seoul Children’s Hospital lessened the burden for locals of having to take their children all the way to children’s hospital in university hospitals.

Director Taek Young Lee of Seoul Children’s Hospital explained how he came to open the hospital saying, “Running a pediatric clinic in the town, I saw the high local demand for a specialized hospital for children. Because children patients are different from adult patients, a lot of times, their progress need to be observed consistently. However it was difficult to find a medical institution with facility that allows it. Thus this hospital was established in this area.”

Win-win with locals

Director Lee added, “It is not an easy decision to open a local hospital, but I decided to do so with the vision of providing better medical service and creating consistent employment of professional medical human resources.“

Inviting moms and dads for the obesity treatment

A medical obesity care room Cell-Line Obesity Clinic is to be established inside the children’s hospital because one of the requirements for being good parents is being healthy. Healthy parents can raise healthy children. As obesity is recognized as a disease worldwide, it became a common denominator that threatens the health of both parents and children.
Therefore, Seoul Children’s Hospital decided to open an obesity clinic that will take care of parents’ health, as well.

The hospital is expected to put efforts to improve the health of the locals.

Professional obesity medical care brand, Cell-Line

Cell-Line Obesity Clinic is the professional obesity care brand operated by Cell Line Network (CEO Byeong Jang Kim, www.cellline.co.kr), which has 20 branches throughout the country. Cell-Line Obesity Clinic is an obesity clinic network that offers professional medical service and customer management service. It provides medical treatment for obesity while also providing customer contact service of high quality. Considering individual body type and lifestyle, the doctor assigns a cutomized treatment method for each patient. Without surgery, the program uses medicine for weight loss and utilizes remedy equipment and injection care method for removing cellulites. The patients can receive the treatment without affecting their daily life. Consistent management of lifestyle decreases the yo-yo effect that follows sudden weight loss and prevents decreasing skin elasticy as well as vairous sideaffects. Therefore the program is receiving high customer satisfaction ratings.

Website: http://www.cellline.co.kr


Cell-Line Network

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