Glaston Takes Further Actions in Patent Infringement Cases
Glaston is disappointed on the decisions and will take further actions. “Although the same patents are valid across the world the decisions were not a complete surprise considering the proceedings in China. Consequently, we have initiated proceedings to cancel the invalidation decisions and in the meanwhile have withdrawn our infringement claims against Land Glass and North Glass from the Suzhou court in order to reserve a right to bring it to the court again”, says Arto Metsanen, CEO and President of Glaston Corporation.
In November 2010, the federal Court in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada issued judgement against North Glass in Glaston‘s favour on the infringement of Glaston’s two patents for its unique tempering and bending technology, the other patent being the same patent as in the current Chinese case. A similar judgement against North Glass was issued in the United Kingdom in 2006 involving another Glaston's patent.
Glaston Corporation will continue to be active in protecting its Intellectual Property Rights globally.
Ms Taina Tirkkonen
General Counsel
Glaston Corporation
Phone: +358 10 500 6934
Ms Janice Zhou
Marketing Communication Manager, China
Glaston Shanghai Co., Ltd.
Phone: +8621 5840 9778
Glaston Corporation
This news is a press release provided by Glaston Group.
2014년 5월 12일 19:06
2014년 5월 12일 19:03