Citibank Offers FX Discount to First-Time ICC Holders

News provided by
Citibank Korea Inc.
Apr. 02, 2013 09:57
SEOUL--(Korea Newswire)--Citibank Korea (CEO Ha Yung-Ku, offers special discount on foreign exchange fees for 2 months from April till May to customers who are issued their first International Cash Card (ICC), which has become a necessity for international travel. During this period, if a customer is issued his first ICC and subsequently changes money to international currencies, the customer will be given up to 70% discount on the exchange fees for USD, EUR and JPY and 50% for other currencies. Discount will be available for up to US$1,000 or equivalent.

With 1.52 million cards issued as of end of February 2013, Citi ICC has become a requisite for international travelers in Korea before departure. International Cash (Check) Card allows users to simply withdraw funds in local currencies from their domestic account in Korea without having to go through the cumbersome process of changing money to local currencies. Local currency withdrawal is readily available at ATMs in key countries across the world. Citibank Korea website has more details about ICC including available countries.



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Citibank Korea Inc.
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