What is your must-know advice for job-seekers who wish to improve English communication skill in the New Year?

- Use the Lexile® Measure, and you will find reading English much easier

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Jan. 03, 2013 10:39
SEOUL--(Korea Newswire)--The hopeful New Year has dawned. Many people cherish in their heart one hope in the New Year. If you are a job-seeker, getting a job would be by all means the greatest hope of the New Year at hand. What would be of top importance in getting a decent job in large company or government-operated company? A recent survey indicates that English communication skill matters the most.

According to the report on ‘The practices of 4 year program college students building up credentials’ that Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education & Training has released on the 3rd, last month, in getting a job, the correlation with college academic score is low, but English communication skill matters the most.

The TOEIC® test score and ratio of overseas language school experience of individuals who earned a decent job, average 808 points and 26.8%, were much higher than those who won less attractive jobs (735 points, 18.4%) and those who could not get job (757 points, 17.9%).

The senior research committee member Chang-Gyun Chai of the Institute who composed the report suggested that companies are utilizing English score actively not because it is absolutely required in the work but because it is useful as hiring standard by saying “It is surveyed that English score affects getting decent job considerably.”

If so, how can we improve English communication skill? Ji-Won Seo a young girl of age 10 is a gifted talent who studied English without going on travel overseas even once. Her secret method of studying English which was once introduced in ‘Whiz of Study’ a program of EBS one of the major broadcasting companies in the nation is ‘to read many English books’. Her parents say she read a lot of English books from infancy.

Dr. Malbert Smith III, Co-founder and President of MetaMetrics®, who developed the Lexile measure, the major English book reading index, maintained that English book reading becomes the foundation to catapult the skills in the other language development domains of writing, listening and speaking.

An additional English skill improving method that he endorses is reading English books as much as possible. Recently MetaMetrics has released English book reading guidelines for job-seekers. The guidelines include contents on first identifying English book reading level, establishing an English book reading plan that incorporates the reader’s Lexile range, and establishing a long-term plan for English book reading.

First off, identifying English book reading level is important. English book reading proficiency can be evaluated through E-LQ test. It is a level test that Natmal Co., Ltd (www.natmal.com) of Korea and MetaMetrics have developed jointly. If you have already taken the TOEIC test, you just need to check the Lexile Measure of your own marked in the score report. The measure is written in a pattern with ‘L’ next to the number.

Next step is to set up an English book reading plan that matches books to the reader’s Lexile measure. When selecting English book, buying one that meets the English skill is one way. You can buy English books by Lexile measure in foreign books section at Interpark (www.interpark.com). You can also read English books that suit you by borrowing from an English book library of a University or nearby English book library. Choose books which are 50L higher or 100L lower than your Lexile measure for a targeted reading experience. For instance, if your Lexile Measure is 850L, English books between 750L and 900L are ones that suit you.

The last step is to establish long-term plan for steady reading. In order for English book reading to lead to English communication skill, a desirable way is to set up plans by day, week and month. Giving yourself a gorgeous compensation when you have carried out as planned helps with steady reading of English books.

Dr. Malbert Smith III advised that if you encourage one another or have a debate on a particular book through a study group, you are going to be able to accomplish the New Year's wish with more fun.

EngagingEnglish: http://www.engagingEnglish.com/free-trial


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