S-OIL makes a donation to charity at year-end

News provided by
S-OIL Corporation KOSPI 010950
Dec. 27, 2012 13:53
SEOUL--(Korea Newswire)--S-OIL(CEO: Nasser Al-Mahasher) delivered a donation of 3.5 billion won to the Community Chest of Korea (CCK, Chairman: Lee Dong-gun), on December 27 at the CCK office in Joong-gu, Seoul to help the poor and the needy get through the cold winter months.

Out of the 3.5 bil. won donation, 1 bil. won will be used for curing children with rare diseases and helping the learning of disabled youths and the remaining 2.5 billion won ,delivered to CCK through the Korea Petroleum Association, for providing heating oil to the underprivileged and implementing improvement of energy efficiency.

“Despite current difficult economic conditions, we can make our future brighter than now if all members of our society work and sweat hard together and willingly share what we’ve got with others,” said S-OIL CEO Nasser Al-Mahasher. “I hope our small donation could bring warm sunshine to socially and economically underprivileged people.”

Website: http://www.s-oil.com


SooJi Kwak
Public Relations Team
S-Oil Corp.
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