No Active X, Web Standard Basis Pure Korean Online Credit Card Service
- Paygate start service No Active X, Web Standard Basis, Pure Korean Style Online credit Card Authentication Service Release
Therefore, only Internet Explorer with Active X operable could be used for online shopping using PCs. And this is the reason why Korea is ranked as number 1 for the usage of Internet Explorer.
In accordance with the E-Commerce Law Amendment, PayGate’s long awaited preparation for alternative technology to Accredited Certificate, Amount Authentication has been officially introduced to the market in September.
AA, which stands for Amount Authentication, went through technology related inspection from Telecommunications Technology Association’s government certified technology assessment organization at the end of last May. Then it was decided to begin genuine commercialization after being approved by Financial Supervisory Service on the last 7th, that it satisfies security category B’s requirements of [Electronic Financial Transactions Authentication Method Safety of Specific Technological Assessment Standard] under the Authentication Method Evaluation Committee of Financial Supervisory Service.
Authentication Method Evaluation Committee of FSS has recently chosen the online payment service company ‘PayGate’ as the first certified business of web standard basis Credit Card authentication method. What attracts attention, for reinforced security, is the authentication is done with real ‘amount’, instead of the existing method using SMS ‘code number’.
AA is activated not only by customers’ facing card companies for card issue, but also on the basis of providing customers’ main information to card companies for verification with the credit assessment. Therefore, even on non-face-to-face transaction online, while utilizing the AA, the transaction will not be completed unless operated by the real owner.
Additionally, PayGate has already applied for security category A (Amount over 300,000 KRW, unlimited and complete alternative technology assessment for accredited certificate.
This news is a press release provided by PayGate.