The pro-Korean global leaders will gather together to discuss the future vision of a unified Korea

SEOUL--(Korea Newswire)--Korea Global Peace Festival (GPF) Foundation (Chairman: Hyunjin Moon) will hold Global Peace Leadership Conference Korea 2012 (GPLC 2012) at Grand Hilton Hotel in Seoul on Aug. 17-18, 2012. This is the fourth event after the opening of GPLC 2011 in Mongolia, Malaysia, and South Korea. GPLC 2012 will be held in line with the theme Future Vision of a Unified Korea and the Establishment of Global Peace, and will be participatedin by academic and field experts from the U.S., Russia, Japan, and China who have been active in the fields related to Northeast Asian security for more than 20 years, religious personnel, and feminist leaders. In the event, the participants will acknowledge that Korea’s peaceful unification is the foundation of global peace, and will deduce and share the future vision of a unified Korea by going beyond ideology, faction, conflict, and discord, based on universal values and human rights.

The key personnel from home and abroad include Eni Faleomavaega, the U.S. House of Representatives member who led the hearings on human rights in North Korea and on the comfort women (women drafted for military sexual slavery by Japan);Michael Honda, the U.S. House of Representatives member who made headlines by proposing a resolution about comfort women (United States House of Representatives House Resolution 121); Congressman Myungchul Cho, the first North Korean defector to become a South Korean congressman; Dr. Charles Morrison, director of East-West Center; Buddhist priest Yongdam; Pastor Robert Schuller; and Cardinal Gaudencio Rosales.

This conference consists of four sections: “Future Vision of a Unified Korea,”“Efforts of Unified Korea for Social Integration Focusing on Religious Values,”“Specific Planning Strategies for a Practical Unification Movement,” and “The Role of Women in Advancing the Unification of Korea.”

The international experts on the future vision of a unified Korea; the relationship between North/South Korea and China, Japan, Russia, and the U.S.; and the Korean Peninsula will have discussions on each country’s role in the unification of Korea and in the unification plan. Also, based on religious values, Priest Yongdam, Dr. As’ad Said Ali (an Islam expert from Indonesia), Pastor Robert Schuller, and Cardinal Gaudencio Rosales will talk about the kind of efforts that the unified Korea needs to make for social integration.

Moreover, more than 300 global opinion leaders of politics, economics, sociology, academia, civil group, and the religious sector from 30 different countries will come together to discuss the direction of Korea’s unification and the status and role of Korea post-unification.

The event organizer, GPF Foundation, is a non-profit international civil organization with 23 foreign branches that has been campaigning for the third-world development aid and peace movement. The foundation also operates social-responsibility programs for the realization of a global civil society, including a think-tank for the development of sustainable communities and the hosting of various conferences and festivals. To achieve this, the foundation has been running programs to educate and train international volunteers and has been operating the international alliances’ donation cooperation business.

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Global Peace Leadership Conference Korea 2012

Organizer: Korea GPF Foundation (Chairman: Hyunjin Moon)
Sponsors: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Ministry of Unification, City of Seoul, Korea Tourist Service, Chosun Ilbo, TV Chosun, and Action for Korea United
Date: Aug. 17-18, 2012
Location: Seoul Grand Hilton Hotel
Topic: The Future Vision of a Unified Korea and the Establishment of Global Peace


Hwang Jae-mo
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Biz communication & consulting Inc.
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