Glaston's Lawsuits Against North Glass and Land Glass are Proceeding
The Suzhou Court in China has registered both cases and the defendants have been served with the legal documents.
While the cases are under legal proceedings Glaston shall not comment on the cases but will in due course inform about the court's decision.
For further information, please contact:
Mrs Taina Tirkkonen
General Counsel
Glaston Corporation
Phone: +358 10 500 6934
Agneta Selroos
Director, Communications and Marketing
Glaston Corporation
Glaston Corporation is an international glass technology company and a pioneer of glass processing technology. Its product range and service network are the widest in the industry. Glaston‘s well-known brands are Bavelloni in pre-processing machines and tools, Tamglass and Uniglass in safety glass machines, and Albat+Wirsam in glass industry software. Glaston’s share (GLA1V) is listed on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Small Cap List.
Mrs Taina Tirkkonen
General Counsel
Glaston Corporation
Phone: +358 10 500 6934
This news is a press release provided by Glaston Group.
2014년 5월 12일 19:06
2014년 5월 12일 19:03