- New research shows CNN also the leading news provider in Europe

SEOUL--(Korea Newswire)--CNN reaches more viewers globally than any other international news channel, with findings from both the latest Pan-Asia Pacific Cross-Media survey (PAX) and Europe’s Media and Marketing Survey (EMS) reinforcing the network’s undisputed leadership position.

The latest PAX findings for the period Q1 to Q4 2011 show that CNN continues to be the clear leader in the Asia Pacific region among international news and business channels across all metrics:

-CNN reaches at least 50% more viewers on a daily, weekly and monthly basis than the next placed channel (BBC World News)
-CNN reaches almost (96%) as many viewers in a single week as BBC World does in a month
-CNN alone reaches twice as many viewers as the dedicated business news channels (CNBC & Bloomberg TV) combined

Tony Maddox, Executive Vice President of CNN International, said: “What we are seeing is that there continues to be a strong appetite for global news, and that people throughout the world are turning to CNN for that news – and in great numbers. People want a depth of analysis and a genuine breadth of coverage, and we provided that throughout 2011 wherever the big stories were breaking, and continue to do so in 2012. Add in our commitment to global business news and our excellent sports and cultural programming and there is a clear, compelling proposition for viewers.”

The latest PAX findings also highlight CNN’s unique ability to reach business leaders and travelers in the Asia Pacific region.

More business travelers* watch CNN in a single week than BBC World News in a month
Leisure travelers** also have a stronger connection with CNN, with 49% more leisure travelers watching CNN each week than the next placed news/business channel
CNN enjoys a clear audience advantage among key business targets, such as Business Decision Makers and Top Management (57% and 42% reach advantage respectively) over the next placed news/business channel.

William Hsu, Vice President, News Advertising Sales for CNN in Asia Pacific, added: “Once again, CNN’s ability to reach this highly-desirable, upscale target audience is unmatched. There is simply no better platform for advertisers across the Asia Pacific region, and the caliber of our clients is testament to our ongoing best-in-class performance here and around the world.”

In addition to CNN’s leading on-air positioning, the PAX survey shows that CNN’s leadership also extends to its digital platforms.

-Each month reaches 51% more users online than, and more than twice as many (+113%) Top Management
-95% more business decision Makers visit than the next largest international media site
-CNN’s multi-platform reach in Asia Pacific is unrivalled among news/business brands, with the network’s weekly combined TV and digital audiences 54% greater than that of the next largest news/business provider

In Europe, CNN achieved a record score in the latest EMS 2012 research, achieving the best ever score for any news network in monthly reach, with 36.9% (18 million viewers)*. Overall, CNN is also the number one multi-platform news provider in Europe, with 47% monthly combined reach across TV, mobile, and online*.

*Flown internationally on business 1+ times in past 12 months
**Flown internationally for leisure 1+ times in past 12 months
***Refers to EMS 21 - EMS 21 is the new 2012 survey, which includes Turkey

About PAX

PAX is a syndicated, cross-media survey conducted by Ipsos, which measures TV viewing, print readership and website audience across 11 major markets in Asia Pacific, covering Australia (Sydney & Melbourne), Bangkok, Hong Kong, India (Delhi, Mumbai & Bangalore), Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Seoul, Singapore, Taipei and Tokyo.

About EMS 2012

EMS 2012 examines the media and product consumption habits of affluent Europeans. The latest research was carried out across the full year of 2011. 49 million qualifying adults aged 21 and over, across 21 markets, comprise the EMS universe.

CNN is the world's leading global 24-hour news network and one of the world’s most respected and trusted sources for news and information. The CNN brand is available to two billion people via 18 CNN branded TV, internet and mobile services produced by CNN Worldwide, a division of Turner Broadcasting System Inc and a Time Warner company. CNN International is the international directorate of CNN Worldwide and distributes news via 14 services in seven different languages. CNN International can be seen in more than 260 million households and hotel rooms in over 200 countries and territories worldwide, including over 44 million across the Asia Pacific region and online at


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