Hicel release the Authenticity Certification Solution with NFC application

PYEONGTAEK, South Korea--(뉴스와이어)--Printed Electronics specialized Hicel Company released the authenticity certification solution with NFC application on the market.

The foundation of Hicel is Printed Electronic Technology Company; the company released the NFC business card on May in 2010. The company exhibited the Authenticity Certification solution with NCF application at the Global Mobile exhibition on last week. The company was well received comments from domestic and foreign buyers.

In 2010, the standards of size global imitation markets are seven thousand hundred million dollars. Every year in domestic, over two hundred million dollars of intellectual property rights has not been protected very well. However, Hicel Company made the solution about this problem.

In response, the head of R&D named Yang Woo Chin said: “The Printed Electronic Technology and security system are applied into the NFC Authenticity Certification Solution also the solution is combined with Communication Technology.” The holograms of diversity existing solutions; solution with RFID also exposed the risk of replication or did not settle out on the market, because of the burden of additional manufacturing costs.

Therefore, Hicel company facilitated development NFC solution and moved up the release date. Hicel company clarified that “Firstly, there are a lot of imitation garbage bag these days. Therefore, Hicel company is going to start to introduce the garbage bag with NFC solution and obtain the revenue of local government from public utilities”

About Hicel

KOSDAQ listed company Hicel was established in 1998 also participated in related LCD companies during 14years, the first world market company in BLS (Back Light Sheet). Participated in Printed Electronic New Enterprise since 2009 and, Hicel is only domestic company which mass produced from F-PCB markets also transfigures to the specialized.

하이쎌 개요
코스닥 상장기업 하이쎌은 1998년에 설립, 14년간 LCD관련업에 참여, BLS(Back Light Sheet)시장 세계 1위의 기업. 2009년부터 인쇄전자 신사업에 참여하여 F-PCB시장에서 양산을 하는 국내유일의 인쇄전자 전문기업으로 변모하고 있음.

웹사이트: http://www.hicel.com


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