Eco-Friendly Organic Farming Rising in Popularity
Doosan EcoBizNet(CEO Jae-Sung Yoo,, an innovation company in life agricultural technology, is supplying the auto-culture system of photosynthetic bacteria, bacillus, lactobacillus, and yeast which are microbes mainly used in agricultural/stockbreeding farms under the motto of ‘sustainable eco-friendly organic farming.’ Especially, drawing much attention is the auto-culture system which enables culturing right at the farms for farmers to participate in eco-friendly organic farming more easily. The farmers can use the culturing device loaded with culturing program along with the culture medium and seed bacteria provided to easily culture the needed microbes without knowledge in microbe culturing.
It has concluded MOU for ‘Microbe Fermentation and Production Technology for Vitalization of eco Friendly Organic Farming in Gangwon-do’ with Gangwon Agricultural Technology Institute, actively developing agricultural/stockbreeding technology utilizing useful microbes within the local area. Also, cooperating with agricultural technology centers within Gangwon-do such as Wonju-city and agricultural technology centers within Gyeonggi-do, it conducts education on the correct use of microbes and the efficacy/effectiveness to farmers used to the conventional farming methods in an effort to expand the supply of sustainable natural-cycling type farming.
Doosan EcoBizNet said “what helped a lot in the prevention of acceleration of pollution within the burial site within the recent foot-and-mouth disease area were the microbes” and said “as the best measure for farming environment improvement and sustainable and safe agricultural/stockbreeding production is the eco-friendly organic farming, we shall focus on the development and supply so that more people including farmers can have an easier access to the use of microbes.”
Currently, Doosan EcoBizNet has submitted Agrobacta which is a soil microbe material along with useful microbe self-cultivation system at the 2011 17th IFOAM International Organic Farming Exposition in Namyangju-city, accelerating the promotion for brand and organic farming.
두산에코비즈넷 개요
㈜두산에코비즈넷은 생물환경기술 혁신기업입니다. ‘지속 가능한 친환경유기농업’을 모토로, 영농∙축산 농가에서 주로 사용하는 미생물인 광합성균, 고초균, 유산균, 효모균의 자가배양시스템을 공급하고 있다.
Doosan EcoBizNet