STMicroelectronics Reveals World’s First IndependentCalypso Revision 3 Smart-Card IC, Supporting Next-Generation Services for Metro Travelers

- Latest-generation microcontroller for popular Calypso travel cards, the first from a non-card issuer, provides cost-effective secure platform for extra e-purse and mobile-payment services

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Aug. 16, 2011 11:59
SEOUL--(Korea Newswire)--As urban transport networks and other electronic ticketing operators seek to improve their smart-card based services, STMicroelectronics (NYSE: STM), a global leader serving customers across the spectrum of electronics applications and a leading supplier of secure microcontrollers, has unveiled a new secure IC supporting the latest version of the popular Calypso ticketing open standard. The chip supports extra, innovative services, and is unique in offering backward compatibility with legacy Calypso readers, allowing operators to introduce next-generation cards quickly and cost effectively.

Electronic ticketing has been widely adopted in urban transport networks worldwide, successfully speeding up transactions, reducing queuing and lowering costs. The Calypso ticketing open standard was developed by a consortium of European operators to suit public transportation and other ticketing uses. More than 80 networks in 21 countries now operate travel cards based on Calypso, and more than 52 million cards have been issued. Calypso Revision 3, as supported by ST’s latest chip, delivers extra services such as e-purse, loyalty rewards or USB key.

Building upon the success of ST’s widely used CD21-2K and CD21-8K products, ST’s CD21-Rev3 secure microcontroller is the only Calypso Revision 3 solution produced by a non-card issuer. As such, it provides independence and reliability for system users and developers. This, and the unique backward compatibility with legacy readers, enables rapid, cost-effective adoption of Calypso Revision 3 in mass-transit networks worldwide. ST has been active in the Calypso Networks Association for over 10 years, and produces a range of chips supporting all generations of the standard.

The CD21-Rev3 solution is based on a secure microcontroller IC which is certified compliant with all necessary and appropriate standards: the EMV® global standard and achieves EAL5+ Common Criteria security assurance. It also meets the established ISO/IEC 14443 and ISO/IEC 7816 smart-card standards and is compliant with the EMVCo Level 1 radio interface specification. Meeting these standards allows use in many other access control, payment and ticketing applications such as municipal services, events and corporate or student card schemes, in addition to transportation.

Major features of CD21-Rev3:
- Dual interface for contact or contactless applications
- Contactless-only interface option
- 130nm process, secure EEPROM
- 4/8/18Kbytes EEPROM density (three options)
- ST23 secure processor core
- Compliant with Calypso Revisions 3, 2 and 1
- Compatibility modes with legacy Calypso products
- EN1545 standard data model

The CD21-Rev3 is currently in volume production, delivered as 150- or 75-micron thin wafers or as modules (ultra-thin 250-micron CB6 or 330-micron CB4 contactless modules, or D70 dual-interface modules). Please contact your ST sales office for pricing options and sample requests.



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