Citigroup Korea Volunteer Community Service launched

News provided by
Citibank Korea Inc.
Apr. 29, 2011 10:32
SEOUL--(Korea Newswire)--Citigroup Korea, Inc. (CEO Ha Yung-Ku, held a launching ceremony of “Citigroup Korea Volunteer Community Service at 20th Fl. Auditorium, Citibank HQ Bldg., at 6:30pm on April 28. The Volunteer Community Service is originated from a Citibank’s volunteering club that was established purely by like-minded employees. It was reborn as a Citigroup Korea Volunteer Community Service to engage more employees and their family members at a holding company level.

“I am very proud of the Volunteer Community Service as it is initiated and led by employees, bottom up rather than top down. Likewise our vision of ‘Citi, it’s different’, it is different from other volunteer groups and that makes it all the more meaningful,” Kim Sung-Su, the first Chairperson of Citigroup Korea Volunteer Community Service and Citibank Sales 5 Div. Head said in his remarks at the ceremony where 311 volunteer employees signed to join. “The key principles of the Volunteer Community Service are: volunteers spare their “own efforts”, “own time” and “own expense”. “We will offer our efforts, expense, and time to fulfill a true volunteer spirit,” declared Chairperson Kim.

Ha Yung-Ku, CEO of Citigroup Korea, Inc. congratulated the establishment of volunteers group that expanded to encompass all subsidiaries. “I am confident that our employees – from Citibank Korea, to Citigroup Capital Korea, Citi Financial Sales Korea, Citi Credit Service and Citigroup Global Markets Securities Korea – will work hard as one to make our community a better place,” said CEO Ha.



Oh Young Ran
Communications Dept.
Citibank Korea
+82 2 3455 2336

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