JCE Unveils ‘Rule the Sky’ for iPad

- High Definition Version of ‘Rule the Sky’ for iPad Launched on April 28

- A Version for Android Phone as Well as German and French Language Versions Will Also Be Launched Soon

News provided by
JCE Corp. KOSDAQ 067000
Apr. 28, 2011 14:56
SEONGNAM, SOUTH KOREA--(Korea Newswire)--A global game company, JCE (President: Song In-su, www.jceworld.com) said today that it launched on April 28 a high definition version of ‘Rule the Sky,’ the first mobile social game introduced on April 14, for iPad in the United States through Apple Store.

‘Rule the Sky’ is a mobile social network game that you can play with friends, moving around their islands with the primary concept of cultivating ‘Flotia,’ your own island floating in the sky. Its charming graphics that give the impression of a clip of animation as a whole is highly acclaimed by users across the world.

As it successfully won popularity in an early stage by ranking first in game/adventure genre on April 18, 5 days after its Global launch, JCE launched on April 28 a high definition version of ‘Rule the Sky’ used for iPad.

The new version of ‘Rule the Sky,’ which is optimized for a 9.7-inch wide screen, can uniquely sharpen details of graphics as the screen is enlarged, maximizing its strength. And it adds to the fun of the game as users can enjoy high definition graphics in wider display.

Now that its versions for iPhone and iPad became available through Apple Store in the United States, the version of ‘Rule the Sky’ for Android phones will be launched globally soon. On the occasion of its global launching, the Company will add German, French and Spanish language versions to the existing Korean, English, Chinese and Japanese versions.

Vice President Yun Byeong-ho of JCE said, “I am pleased with the expectation to launch a high definition ‘Rule the Sky’ optimized for wide screen when a variety of tablet PCs, including iPad 2 of Apple, are becoming available across the world. Starting with ‘Rule the Sky,’ we will continue developing app games that can be used for various platforms.”

The version of ‘Rule the Sky’ for iPad can be downloaded by searching ‘Rule the Sky’ (either in Korean or English) after accessing to Apple Store in the United States and other countries (except Korea and Brazil).

For the ‘Rule the Sky’ for iPad, visit (http://itunes.apple.com/app/rule-the-sky-for-ipad/id432449974?mt=8)

Website: http://www.joycity.com


JCE Global Service Department
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