Citi Turns Off Lights in 737 Facilities in 63 countries During Earth Hour 2011

News provided by
Citibank Korea Inc.
Mar. 25, 2011 16:46
SEOUL--(Korea Newswire)--Citigroup Korea (CEO, Ha, Yung-ku, will participate in Earth Hour campaign on Mar. 26 for an hour from 8:30 to 9:30 pm. During the earth hour, office lights and sign boards will be switched off in Dadong HO, Incheon Bldg. Citibank Center, Anam Bldg., Yuhan Bldg., Jongno Bldg, and other major Citi premises.

For the fourth consecutive year, Citigroup will turn off the lights in office facilities and retail branches around the world to show its support for environmentally sustainable action. During Earth Hour 2011, a global initiative organized by World Wildlife Fund, individuals, businesses, governments and communities are invited to turn out their lights for one hour on Saturday March 26, 2011, at 8:30 p.m.

This year, 737 Citi facilities in 63 countries -- from Australia to Zambia -- registered to participate.

“Citi employees are huge proponents of environmental responsibility, and many of us have friendly competitions around Earth Hour,” said John Killey, Citi Realty Services’ Global Head of Building Operations. “Regional managers compete to see whose region will have the most facilities participating. It’s a fun way to show your region’s commitment to something that we work on everyday – reducing our impact on the environment.”

Citi first participated in Earth Hour in 2008, with more than 50 registered locations. In 2009, Earth Hour participation grew to 368 Citi sites in 61 countries. Last year Citi broke its previous record, with 539 facilities participating worldwide across 233 cities in 65 countries. Prominent Citi sites in Shanghai, Hong Kong, London, Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo, Mexico City, New York City, San Francisco and Vancouver were among those that switched off their lights.

Citi was one of the first global financial services companies to publicly address climate change and commit to improving its energy efficiency. Media outlets around the world have recognized its efforts.

Citi was the highest-rated U.S. bank in Newsweek Magazine’s 2010 Green Rankings and achieved the highest ranking among all companies globally in Newsweek’s “Environmental Impact” category. The company won The Banker magazine‘s Most Innovative Investment Bank for Climate Change and Sustainability title in 2009 and 2010, and was named to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index in 2010 for the 10th year in a row. Also last year, Bank Technology News named Citi America’s Greenest Bank in the Money Center category and IDG’s Computerworld selected Citi as one of the top green-information-technology organizations.



Huh, Kap-Seung
Communication Dept.
Citibank Korea Inc.

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