FreeStyle Releases New Hip Hop Beats in Game

뉴스 제공
조이시티 코스닥 067000
2011-02-26 07:00
SEONGNAM, SOUTH KOREA--(뉴스와이어)--Marking the second anniversary of its launch, MMO basketball game FreeStyle, a popular game provided by a global game portal, GameKiss, unveiled 8 new background musical numbers on February 23.

These new BGM numbers include 2 vocals and 6 instrumental music numbers produced with participation of District 78 ( and Flowsik who are enjoying popularity in the authentic U.S. hip hop underground music group.

Additional new 8 BGM numbers with lilting hiphop rhythms are highly appreciated by users who want American authentic hiphop rhythms. A game user living in Los Angeles with the character name of ‘zelgano’ praised the new music saying, “It is true that existing BGMs are somewhat stifling as they are Korean hiphop rhythms, but now the game has become more amusing as new BGMs feature more lilting and dynamic beats.”

The following BGMS are listed below, and users can listen to them by accessing FreeStyle's game site (

1. Winner by Flowsik (feat. Decipher)
2. Hustle n Grind by District 78 (feat. Young Pops, Heavy & Nicole Kehl)
3. U Know How We Do It by Artisan Beats
4. Lead Away by Gonzo
5. Fired Up by Marco
6. The Front Line by Mild Beats

조이시티 개요
JCE는 1988년 SF MMOG인 ‘워마이블’을 선보인 이래 레드문, 조이시티, 러쉬온라인, 프리스타일 등을 개발하며 게임시장을 선도하는 기업이다.



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