FreeStyle Unveils Brand-New Video

뉴스 제공
조이시티 코스닥 067000
2011-02-19 07:00
SEONGNAM, SOUTH KOREA--(뉴스와이어)--Celebrating the second anniversary of its launch, MMO basketball game FreeStyle, a popular game provided by a global game portal, GameKiss, will unveil a brand-new video.

The brand-new video, which will be released as part of the second anniversary commemorative campaign of FreeStyle ‘Dunk it Out,’ will be used for a variety of promotions to further upgrade the position of FreeStyle.

Roman, Chief GM of FreeStyle, said, “The brand-new video is focused on delivering excitement of dunk shots, unique to FreeStyle. It will maximize the dynamism of a basketball game by embodying images of fighting between ballers and bulls.”

The bullfight-like basketball video is much expected as no one can predict how it will appear to the viewers.

Its teaser video was unveiled on February 16 in advance, and the main video will be released around the end of February on FreeStyle's website.

FreeStyle is also attracting the attention of users by conducting various events, and providing free gifts with release of the brand-new video. Further details and information are available on its Website,

조이시티 개요
JCE는 1988년 SF MMOG인 ‘워마이블’을 선보인 이래 레드문, 조이시티, 러쉬온라인, 프리스타일 등을 개발하며 게임시장을 선도하는 기업이다.



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