FreeStyle of GameKiss Offers Large Scale Events Celebrating Second Anniversary

뉴스 제공
조이시티 코스닥 067000
2011-02-12 00:13
SEONGNAM, SOUTH KOREA--(뉴스와이어)--MMO basketball game FreeStyle, a popular game provided by global game portal, GameKiss, said it will offer large scale events for one month starting on February 16, celebrating the second anniversary of its launch.

Since the launch of its global service on February 1, 2009, FreeStyle has grown as the only global online basketball game being enjoyed by 3 million users in over 200 countries.

Second anniversary commemorative events are designed to offer maximum gifts to all users of FreeStyle, including additional experience points, game currency, items, and cash. All participants can benefit from these freebies.

In the first event, all users will be provided with FreeStyle ‘special characters’ worth $15 and a ‘VIP package’ valued $20 for one month starting on February 16. During the period of the event, users freely will be able to select one of 12 special characters in FreeStyle, free of charge. The VIP package offered along with these characters is currently the most popular item. Vip packages provides bonus attributes, allowing users to play with an edge over their opponents.

In addition, FreeStyle will offer the “Throw in Extra Extras!” event, in which 20% of the amount of charged game cash will be provided to users as bonus game points.

The next notable event is the “Super FS Day” which will start from March 2nd and end on the 8th. An improved version of FS Day, which was made popular by offering additional experience points and game currency, the Super FS Day event will provide 200% XP and 100% game currency to all users who play FS during this period.

The final event of the second anniversary is “Challenge the GM” where FreeStyle operators will compete with game users. When users win games against operators in this event, which will be held from March 13 to 17, they will receive GM special items. As they have never been defeated by users, GMs are now throwing down the gauntlet with determination to win every single bout.

GM Roman, the chief operator of GameKiss, said, “The Company designed these events to repay the love and encouragement of users who have played FreeStyle during the past 2 years. In addition to events, updated content and game background music will also be provided. We will strive to improve FS to shape a better game for user participation.”

Further details of events commemorating the second anniversary are available in its Website, (Customer Support:

조이시티 개요
JCE는 1988년 SF MMOG인 ‘워마이블’을 선보인 이래 레드문, 조이시티, 러쉬온라인, 프리스타일 등을 개발하며 게임시장을 선도하는 기업이다.



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