Enustech to Participate in CES 2011
At CES, Enustech plans to show off BHF-2000, which has just won the CES Innovation Award and all the entire line up of its high quality products based on blue tooth technology, including KlaT7.
BHF-2000, a CES Innovation Award winner, is a true hands-free product with Bluetooth technology at its core. First and foremost, it implemented a voice sensing and gesture sensing, allowing its user to make or take a call and control the volume simply by talking to the hands-free unit. This feature significantly reduces the risk of having to maneuver the system manually while driving. Lastly, but not the least, BHF-2000 is equipped with solar recharging panel, minimizing the number of times for manual recharge and making it eco-friendly.
Enustech will participate in official media day called ‘CES Unveiled’ on Jan. 4th and ‘CES Innovation Award Stage’ from Jan 6th and 7th, which are open only to CES Innovation Award winners.
According to the executive vice president of Enustech, Hyun Sang Jang, who is in charge of overseas marketing, Enustech will pursue after American market more aggressively for year 2011 and CES will be the starting point and they will put more effort to increase brand recognition of DriveNTalk, Enustech’s brand name.
CES(Consumer Electronics Show) was started in June of 1967 at New York and continues to draw interest from the market. It is expected that about 2,500 companies will participate in the show with more than 126,000 visitors this year. Especially this year, a lot of government officials from Korea, including Ministry of Knowledge Economy, Ministry of Culture, Sports & Tourism, Korea Communications Commission, etc will visit the show with high interest in the market.
로코조이 개요
이너스텍은 무선통신 기술을 기반으로 가로등 및 보안등 관련 원격 조명 감시제어 시스템과 차량용 블루투스 핸즈프리를 개발하는 무선통신 전문업체입니다. 조명제어 사업은 최종 수요처가 정부 지자체인 B2G사업으로 주요 아이템은 가로등/보안등/공원등 제어기입니다. 꾸준한 기술 개발 노력에 힘입어 국내 시장 점유율 1위를 차지하고 있습니다. 핸즈프리 사업은 수출위주의 B2C 사업으로 블루투스 무선 통신을 통해 휴대폰과 연동되는 차량용 스피커폰으로 영국 T3, 프랑스 AutoPlus지에 최우수 제품으로 선정된 바 있으며, 지식경제부의 세계일류상품으로 인증 받는 등 시장에서 인정받고 있는 제품입니다. 세계 53개국 소비자에게 판매하고 있으며, 특히 북미에서는 시장 점유율 1위를 차지하고 있습니다.
DriveNTalk: http://www.driventalks.com
웹사이트: http://www.enus.co.kr
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