New York--(뉴스와이어)--DriveNTalk, an expert group of Bluetooth hands-free devices, today announced that it has been named an International CES Innovations 2011 Design and Engineering Awards Honoree for its brand new product, BHF-2000.

Products entered in this prestigious program are judged by a preeminent panel of independent industrial designers, engineers and members of the media to honor outstanding design and engineering in cutting edge consumer electronics products across 35 product categories.

Hands-free, Getting smarter

The main focus was to achieve sufficient volume level while sustaining the unique, slim and sleek design, providing its user with ultimate Bluetooth hands-free experience. With solar energy, BHF-2000 can be self-recharged and minimizing the number of times of manual recharge.

What BHF-2000 brings to the table is that drivers can and will have an access to most of the basic features of the phone, such as Bluetooth pairing, making and taking a call, and even sending and receiving text without having to touch anything. It can be and will be done with voice, helping its user to experience the comfort and safety of Bluetooth technology while driving. Also with the newly added technologies such as Gesture sensing and G-sensor offer automatic connection features, providing even more comfort for its users and lowering the distraction while driving.

I mages of top of the line sports cars, such as Lamborghini and Ferrari, were reflected into BHF-2000's design to achieve the product concept, namely Ultimate. This unique design concept makes the ultimate functions stand out more to users.

CES Innovations Design and Engineering Awards

The prestigious Innovations Design and Engineering Awards have been recognizing achievements in product design and engineering since 1976. It is sponsored by the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA)®, the producer of the International CES, the world’s largest consumer technology tradeshow.

DriveNTalk’s BHF-2000 will be displayed at the DriveNTalk booth (No. 2231) as well as the Innovations Showcase in the Grand Lobby of the Las Vegas Convention Center at the 2011 International CES, which runs January 6-9, 2011 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The Innovations Design and Engineering Showcase will feature honorees by product category in the Grand Lobby of the Las Vegas Convention Center and will also be featured at CES Unveiled: The Official Press Event of the International CES on Tuesday, January 4.

The Innovations entries are judged based on the following criteria:
· Engineering qualities, based on technical specs and materials used
· Aesthetic and design qualities
· The product’s intended use/function and user value
· Unique/novel features that consumers would find attractive
· How the design and innovation of the product compares to other products in the marketplace

Products chosen as Innovations honorees reflect innovative design and engineering of the entries. Examples may include the innovative conversion of various technologies into a single product or dramatic enhancements to previous product designs.

Innovations 2011 Design and Engineering honoree products are featured on which lists product categories, as well as each product name, manufacturer information, designer, description, photo and URL.

About DriveNTalk
DriveNTalk is Enustech's new brand name, focusing on safe communication while driving. DriveNTalk is based on the most advanced technology and we, at Enustech, are confident that it is the most efficient way of communication while driving. For more information, please visit

Enustech is headquartered in Seoul, Korea and its wireless communications department has been an active player in the Bluetooth market for over 7 years. Enustech is enlisted company at KOSDAQ (Korean Securities Dealers Automated Quotations).

로코조이 개요
이너스텍은 무선통신 기술을 기반으로 가로등 및 보안등 관련 원격 조명 감시제어 시스템과 차량용 블루투스 핸즈프리를 개발하는 무선통신 전문업체입니다. 조명제어 사업은 최종 수요처가 정부 지자체인 B2G사업으로 주요 아이템은 가로등/보안등/공원등 제어기입니다. 꾸준한 기술 개발 노력에 힘입어 국내 시장 점유율 1위를 차지하고 있습니다. 핸즈프리 사업은 수출위주의 B2C 사업으로 블루투스 무선 통신을 통해 휴대폰과 연동되는 차량용 스피커폰으로 영국 T3, 프랑스 AutoPlus지에 최우수 제품으로 선정된 바 있으며, 지식경제부의 세계일류상품으로 인증 받는 등 시장에서 인정받고 있는 제품입니다. 세계 53개국 소비자에게 판매하고 있으며, 특히 북미에서는 시장 점유율 1위를 차지하고 있습니다.




ENUStech., Inc.
Oversea Sales
Hugh Park
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