Octasic Bolsters Vocallo MGW Solution With Advanced Video Features to Address Burgeoning Mobile Video Market

MONTREAL--(뉴스와이어)--Octasic Inc., a leading innovator of media processing solutions, today announced new Vocallo MGW product capabilities that will significantly enhance its mobile video product portfolio to meet the growing demands of gateway manufactures and content adaptation solutions providers engaging an ever-evolving community of mobile video users.

The next wave of telecommunications products and services will focus on mobile video. A recent Infonetics report on IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) found that more than half of the service provider respondents plan to deploy video telephony and converged mobile/fixed-line services over the next 12 to 18 months (IMS Plans: Global Service Provider Survey, August 2009).

The enhanced Vocallo MGW is designed to meet that deluge of demand, including video messaging adaptation and optimization, video mail servers, on-demand transcoding, mobile video conferencing, 3G-324M gateways, video surveillance, and an industry-leading Interactive Voice and Video Response (IVVR) portfolio.

To ensure the most robust video platform for manufacturers and end users, Octasic has signed a licensing agreement with Dicas, experts in MPEG video coding. Integrating Dicas' field-proven H.264 decoder ensures interoperability with the broad range of H.264 encoders found on mobile devices and the web.

In addition, the Vocallo MGW provides sophisticated mixing capabilities. Up to 16 layers can be assembled by the user in real time to create complex IVVR capabilities, picture-in-picture (PIP), or branded video streams.

“Vocallo MGW combines the best audio and video quality seen in the market today. Our DSP is the most power-efficient solution available for mobile video applications, by a factor of 2,” said Robert Blake, CEO of Octasic. “We‘re thrilled to be licensing Dicas’ industry-leading video decoder to ensure that our customers can achieve the highest possible ‘quality of experience’ from our products.”

The Vocallo MGW provides a complete video processing solution, controlled via a packet-based API, with no DSP programming required. Each video stream can be independently configured and controlled for each mobile subscriber. Vocallo MGW supports transcoding of H.263, MPEG-4 and H.264 video codecs; provides an adaptive jitter buffer and coordination with audio streams; and a full set of wireless and wireline audio codecs.

“Mobile video is a quickly evolving market,” said Sebastian Moeritz, CEO of Dicas. “Octasic‘s vision of providing pristine audio and video mobile access -- at an affordable cost -- to accelerate industry growth and meet consumer demand is complementary to our own. We’re pleased to be able to offer the industry's best H.264 decoder to Octasic to further our mutual cause.”

Working through an extensive network of partners, Octasic is also able to provide its customers with PCIe and ATCA form factor solutions, enabling quicker time to market in this fast-moving market segment.

About Dicas

Dicas, founded in 1999, is an MPEG-focused video coding specialist and a leading developer of ISO MPEG-4 real-time video coding hardware and software solutions for broadcast, IPTV, mobile TV, internet streaming, multimedia and security applications. Under the brand name mgegable, Dicas offers a family of MPEG-4, MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 (SD and HD) and 3GGPP compliant professional software tools and components for a number of operating systems and DSPs/ICs. Dicas also supplies services for the development, customization and optimization of MPEG-based video coding solutions.

About Octasic

Octasic Inc. is a global provider of media and wireless modem processing silicon and software solutions for the converged carrier, enterprise and end-point communication equipment markets. The company's leading quality VoIP, video and multi-standard wireless basestation DSP solutions are based on Opus, a unique clock-less DSP architecture. Octasic allows next-generation equipment manufacturers to significantly reduce system costs by offering unmatched performance in terms of density and power consumption. Founded in 1998, Octasic is a privately-held company headquartered in Montreal, Canada.

Octasic Inc. 개요
옥타직은 통합 캐리어, 엔터프라이즈, 엔드 포인트 커뮤니케이션 장비 시장에 대한 미디어와 무선 모뎀 처리 실리콘과 소프트웨어 솔루션에 대한 세계적인 공급자이다.

웹사이트: http://www.octasic.com


Joyce Radnor or Bree Clidence
SVM Public Relations
+1-617-787-5192 or +1-760-754-7025
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