Las Vegas shows ‘Famous Artist Show’ landing in Seoul
Dreaming of a city of culture and tourism, we need to consider benchmarking this city, the Las Vegas. Although Korea is investing in culture and tourism industry with the understanding of its significance, it is true we have insufficient contents. Besides, according to Korea Tourism Organization, foreign tourists think there are not enough things to do in Seoul while they are staying. Moreover, some hotels and travel agencies are having trouble with accumulating deficits year in and out. There is a tonic to make our tourism and show industry kinetic.
The Famous Artist Show can be enjoyed regardless of the generation, nation, and language. It is an impersonator show planned and invested by Korea and completed with actors and staff from Las Vegas. The impersonator show is a show that copycat actors revive legendary superstars. It has been very successful in Las Vegas for three decades and there are various impersonators in the shows.
This show will begin from 26th/Dec/2008 in Grand Hilton Hotel starred by the most popular stars in Korea and Asia, Elvis Presley, Madonna, Beatles, and Michael Jackson with their famous live songs like Let it be, My way, Billie Jean and more. After all, it can be performed disregarding the place that various promotions are available. In Addition, the actors will be replaced every quarter that it will not be monotonous. Thus, the interests of the companies looking for their year-end parties are increased that the tickets for Grand Hilton Hotel are about to be sold out. After that, the show will be performed in Sanghai and Beijing, China and New Zealand. Spectrum Asia Entertainment will plan and produce more shows for Korean and Asian market with the cooperation of other Las Vegas productions and then branch into all across the Asia. These shows are going to hold in hotels that the guests can enjoy the shows. It is expected to develop hotel, tourism and show industry simultaneously. It will be interesting to observe how the Las Vegas shows affect Korean culture and tourism industry.
스펙트럼아시아ENT. 개요
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