AhnLab hold the first ‘Hacker’s Dream 2008’

Seoul--(뉴스와이어)--AhnLab(CEO Hongsun Kim www.ahnlab.com), a global integrated security service provider, announced that the first 'Hacker’s Dream (Hacker's Dream) 2008,’ the first international reverse engineering contest for diverse information security technologies in Korea, for 15 days from October 1.

Being one of the biggest events of 'POC (Power of Community) 2008,' which is an international hacking/security conference, 'Hacker’s Dream 2008' is characterized by the competition in comprehensive abilities, such as analysis of malicious codes like viruses and Spyware, reversing, network packet analysis and analysis of malicious scripts, unlike existing hacking contests characterized by attacks and defenses. AhnLab formed the organizing committee consisting of experts in the aforementioned areas, who will present problems and serve as judges in the contest.

In particular, 'Hacker’s Dream 2008' is characterized by the fact that the participating information security experts compete with one another on the basis of the pure hackers’ spirit, and more emphasis is placed on honor than on material compensation.

Any individual or team interested in information security can participate, and the number of people in the team is not limited. All they need to do is to download the problems from the website (http://www.powerofcommunity.net/event.html), prepare analysis reports, and submit them by October 15 via e-mail (master@ahnlab.com).

Security experts of AhnLab and POC2008 sponsors will serve as judges, and their judgment will be based on the submitted analysis reports. Evaluation criteria include adoption of new technology, the creativity with which to solve problems in a novel way, analytic abilities, understanding of analytic technologies, the speed and accuracy with which to solve several types of problems, the systematicity and clarity of the reports, and the ability to express.

The judges will comprehensively evaluate the reports on the basis of these criteria, and select the winner. The winner will receive a medal and an opportunity to present the analysis technology at ‘POC 2008, an international hacking/security conference. Also, the winner will receive the ‘Dream Bag’ as an extra prize symbolic of highest honor. This special bag is supposed to hold the dream of becoming the idol of hackers across the globe.

Mr. Sihaeng Cho, managing director in charge of AhnLab Security Response Center said "Unlike conventional hacking contests featuring attacks and defenses, Hacker’s Dream is a contest for comprehensive analysis technologies in information security. This contest will lay the foundation for improving the ability to respond to security threats that are becoming more intelligent and organized."

웹사이트: http://www.ahnlab.com


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