AhnLab exports a vaccine for mobile phones overseas for the first time

Seoul--(뉴스와이어)--AhnLab, a global integrated security enterprise (CEO Seokjoo Oh www.ahnlab.com) announced that it recently entered into an agreement for OEM (original equipment manufacturing) supply of its security product ‘AhnLab Mobile Security’ to Taiwan’s Opiron (Opiron Technology & Solutions Corp. / CEO Mark Shin www.opiron.com.tw).

This agreement is significant in that AhnLab is the first local company to export the mobile phone vaccine, which will become a new business model in the future security market, to an overseas market in cooperation with an overseas solution developer.

Accordingly, AhnLab will provide ‘AhnLab Mobile Security’ for Opiron’s mobile security solution ‘Dependpoint mobile security,’ whereas Opiron will install Dependpoint Mobile Security on the micro SD card (Micro Secure Digital Card / a type of small flash memory), and supply them to mobile phone manufacturers and many overseas mobile carriers. If users install the micro SD card in their mobile phones, the mobile virus scan/removal and real-time monitoring will ensure safe use of mobile phones.

‘AhnLab Mobile Security’ is a state-of-the-art product based on the technical know-how of AhnLab implemented in Symbian and Windows Mobile (Win CE) operating systems (OS). Its key features are ▲manual scan of malicious codes, such as viruses and Trojan horses, ▲V3 engine updates, ▲real-time scanning, ▲scan log management, ▲reporting viruses, etc.

Mobile security threats haven’t done any damages in Korea yet, but the mobile viruses have taken a toll on the Symbian OS globally since 2006. However, the convergence capable of handling the diverse files of mobile devices has created an environment conducive to the introduction and spread of malicious codes. In particular, as recent mobile devices support various type of wireless Internet, any vulnerability is highly likely to spread rapidly. Accordingly, attacks aiming at mobile devices, such as malicious code infringing on important information like personal information, and phishing for information drain and theft, are expected to appear one after another.

“As security threats to mobile devices are more destructive to personal information than their counterparts on PC’s, and cause financial losses to users, more emphasis is placed on mobile security technology,” Mr. Seokjoo Oh, CEO of AhnLab. “the mobile security market is not yet fully developed yet, but as mobile malicious codes becoming more destructive and are spreading more rapidly, this market is expected to grow to a great extent in the next few years, and accordingly we are planning to work harder to acquire cutting-edge security technology for responding to security threats to various mobile devices and develop products.”

Meanwhile, after its successful development of the vaccine for Palm, a representative PDA operating system, back in 2001, AhnLab became the first in the world to develop mobile phone vaccines for wireless platforms, WI-TOP and WI-PI, in 2003 and 2004 respectively, and developed a mobile phone vaccine for Symbian in 2005, and supplied mobile phone vaccines for Samsung Electronics’ ‘Anycall Fx Phone’ and WiBro terminals in 2006. AhnLab has been showing off its world-class technical know-how in terms of global technology for coping with mobile security threats.

웹사이트: http://www.ahnlab.com


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