Antivirus researchers worldwide gather in Seoul

Seoul--(뉴스와이어)--' AhnLab hosts the 10th annual AVAR2007 Conference at Seoul Plaza Hotel on November 29th to 30th'

A global integrated security service provider, AhnLab (CEO, Seokjoo Oh,, announced that the company will host 'AVAR2007 Conference’ for AVAR (Association of anti-Virus Asia Researchers) at Seoul Plaza Hotel for 2 days on Nov 29 and 30.

In particular, AhnLab plans to hold this event on the largest scale ever with over 300 participants, including antivirus researchers as well as information security experts and officials from all over the world, marking the 10th anniversary of the conference and second world-class security conference held in Seoul in five years since 2002.

Accordingly, AhnLab is taking applications from speakers who want to give presentations at the conference on major issues, such as the latest trend of antivirus, mobile security, and security issue of Windows Vista via email ( or till July 13. Sponsors are also welcomed.

Meanwhile, it was decided during AVAR Members Meeting in New Zealand last year that the historically significant 10th anniversary of AVAR Conference will be hosted by AhnLab on the grounds of having hosted one of the most successful conferences in 2002.

AVAR is a non-profit association founded by the chairman of AhnLab and the chairman of JCSR (Japan Computer Security Research Center), Seigi Murakami, on June 1998. The AVAR Conference is held annually in the main cities of Asia to solve virus issues together. In the antivirus world, it is recognized as one of the two largest conferences in the world, along with Virus Bulletin Conference, and it has now become an international conference, with participants from beyond Asia, coming from all over the world.



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