AhnLab Provided Mobile Security Solution for New Anycall Model of Samsung Electronics

Seoul--(뉴스와이어)--AhnLab, a global integrated security company (CEO Charles Kim, global.ahnlab.com) announced that it supplied AhnLab Mobile Security for Anycall Fx phone (SPH-M4500) of Samsung Electronics on October 11th.

Anycall Fx (SPH-M4500) is an ultra-slim mobile phone model with just a thickness of 18.9mm. It is the first compact ultra-slim phone design with PDA functions installed. AhnLab Mobile Security is a state-of-the-art security solution integrating AhnLab’s cutting edge security technologies for Symbian and pocket PCs. Anycall Fx users can monitor and remove viruses in real time and safely access mobile Internet by installing AhnLab Mobile Security.

Although no mobile security threats have been reported in Korea, damages caused by malicious codes attack on Symbian OS have been increasing globally since last year. As the platform technologies are developed and more diverse OS systems are introduced in the market, malicious codes, intrusion, phishing are expected to increase threatening privacy and data security.

ochAhnLab is at the center of the industry efforts to prevent security threats in the mobile environment and to ensure secure Internet environment. We are committed to ensuring mobile environment security by closely cooperating with the mobile phone manufacturers and carriers, och said Charles Kim, CEO of AhnLab.

AhnLab released world’s first mobile phone anti-virus program for WI-TOP and WI-PI Internet platforms in 2003 and 2004 respectively after developing an anti-virus for PDA Palm in 2001. With the release of mobile anti-virus program for Symbian at the end of last year, AhnLab strengthened its leadership in the global mobile security solution market. AhnLab plans to more actively provide security solutions for Symbian OS in Southeast Asia.

About AhnLab
AhnLab, Inc. (KOSDAQ: #053800) is a leading integrated security solution and services provider, information security solution provider, retaining nearly two-thirds of the Korean Anti-virus software market. AhnLab boasts the longest history and the largest scale in the Korean information security sector. With its world-class anti-virus technologies, it has achieved continuous growth since its inception. The company protects individuals, businesses and organizations against viruses and other malicious attacks with its flagship V3 product line and other high-quality security solutions including online game security solution, anti-spyware and network security appliance. The company's platform-driven approach is focused on providing complete and industry-leading solutions for each of its customer segments. Today, AhnLab reaches far beyond its Korean headquarters, with sales and research operations in more than 10 countries. More News and information are available at http://global.ahnlab.com/

웹사이트: http://www.ahnlab.com


Mikyung Hwang
PR Specialist
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