AhnLab Establishes Partnership with Gala-Net
HackShield Pro·recently selected as one of the next-generation world-class products by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Energy in Korea·blocks hacking attacks on online game programs in real time and prevents illegal users thereby enhancing the safety of the game.
As a leading online game security solution developer, AhnLab is providing security solutions to online game developers in Korea and abroad. AhnLab successfully made inroads into the US, Brazil, Russia, Japan, China, Malaysia, Indonesia, last year, and advanced into Taiwan, Hong Kong, Vietnam, and the Philippines this year.
“As Korea is a leading country in online game security, there is huge growth potential for us. Because AhnLab already has high technologies in online game security, we are in a good position to explore overseas markets. We aspire to become a global company by securing the next-generation integrated security market with ‘HackShield Pro’ and other solutions of AhnLab,” said Charles Kim, CEO of AhnLab.
웹사이트: http://www.ahnlab.com
Sunny Jisun Lim
PR Specialist Communication Team
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