Expanding energy cooperation with Latin America

Seoul--(뉴스와이어)--Korea will accelerate energy cooperation in Central and Latin America by enhancing energy exploration projects with Argentina and Mexico. The partnership will encourage Korean companies to increase investment and facilitate technology exchange to develop energy resources in both countries.

To discuss the details of exploring and developing energy resources, a Korean delegation visited Argentina on June 22-23 and Mexico on June 26-27.

At meetings in the two countries, the parties focused on ways to further explore and develop energy resources, increase energy trade, and facilitate the exchange of technology. Both Argentina and Mexico welcomed the Korean businesses' active participation in the development of copper mines and oil fields.

Argentina is the largest gas producer and the fourth largest oil producer in Latin America. Mexico has abundant energy resources, ranking as the world's fifth largest oil producer.

The Korean government has pursued energy cooperation with Central and Latina America since the early 2000s. The country forged energy partnerships with other Latin American countries including Peru (2003), Chile (2004), and Brazil (2004).

웹사이트: http://www.mocie.go.kr

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