동티모르 유니세프 딜리사무소에서 보내온 소식
PEACE-KEEPERS OF TIMOR Children’s voices heard loud and clear For Peace, For Security
To many of the Timorese children and women holed up in their homes or in the increasing number of camps across Dili, this morning was a day out to the Government Palace. Despite fears and a sense of insecurity these women and children had come out of their ‘safe havens’ and were calling for peace to the leaders of the country on International Children’s Day.
At 9 o’clock this morning, around 150 Timorese women and children started gathering outside the Prime Minister’s Office to commence a three day Peace Rally.
The women, dressed predominantly in white (to symbolise peace) or black (to mark their grieving), were comfortable at being dominated by children singing and chanting their slogans directed at the PM’s building.
The Peace Rally was organised by a group of non-governmental organisations, led by the Peace and Democracy Foundation (established by Dr Ramos Horta from his Nobel Peace Prize funds), along with Alola Foundation, Fokupers, Rede Feto (Timorese women’s NGOs), and some nuns from the Catholic Diocese of Dili. Australian troops provided security while tanks circled the government building and helicopters flew overhead as the children read out their statement to their leaders.
The messages from the children included calls to end the sound of weapons and to enable a return to school, and for an end to the exposure of children to the spilling of blood, ‘in our homes, in our neighbourhood, on the streets’.
UNICEF supported this event by its staff being present to distribute, water and biscuits to these children and to transport the women and children from various camps in the city.
Although today none of the leaders came out to hear their voices, the children and women are determined to be back into the Palacio Do Governo again and again, until someone hears them and answers their call.
The victims of this current situation are primarily women and children. Under incredibly difficult circumstances, the women have to continue the care of their families, the cooking, and manage the appalling sanitation conditions.
Timor-Leste is a very young country, with the highest fertility rate in the world (more than seven births per woman) and more than 50% of people aged under 18 years. International Children’s Day has been celebrated by this country over the last two years with a rally starting from the Palacio Do Governo every year, with both children and adults participating in it.
유니세프한국위원회 개요
유니세프한국위원회는 한국에서 유니세프를 대표하는 기관(비영리법인)으로서 한국위원회의 주된 임무는 세계 어린이를 위해 국내에서 세계 어린이 현황과 유니세프 활동을 널리 알려 어린이돕기 기금을 조성하는 것입니다. 또한, 아동의 권리 홍보 및 모유수유 권장, 세계교육 등의 사업을 통해 어린이 권리를 신장하는 활동도 함께 펼쳐 나갑니다. 유니세프한국위원회가 국내에서 펼치는 모든 활동은 유니세프가 전세계적으로 펼치고 있는 어린이 구호활동을 지지하기 위한 것입니다.
웹사이트: http://www.unicef.or.kr
유니세프한국위원회 홍보부 김재명 대리, 02-735-2315, 018-241-2098, 이메일 보내기