동티모르 최근 상황
Many of these camps also saw the birth of babies with families using makeshift arrangements and taking the help of informal mid wives in the deliveries. "Help has to reach these camps immediately. And not just food and water. Babies are being born in these camps under conditions which are unsuitable. They and their mothers need looking after. We need to take care of preventive health care needs of these people", says Shui-Meng, UNICEF representative.” Three babies were born over the last three days in the camp opposite the UN Compound. Thankfully the mid wife from the national hospital was on hand. She was also a refugee in the camp along with 3000 others.
A team from UNICEF visited nine out of an estimated 35 camps in the city to assess the situation and reach relief by way of clean water and provision of dry latrines. The condition in at least three of the larger camps was very precarious where people were staying overnight rather than returning to their homes during the day. Some of their houses have burnt down completely or looted over the last few days. These camps have overflowing toilets, stagnant water and piling garbage. There are an estimated 70,000 residing in camps in Dili alone and another 45,000 who have moved to the districts.
While UNICEF’s aid for reaching water and sanitation supplies to these camps has recommenced, more support is required for procuring basic family water kits, tarpaulin, water tanks, field water testing kits, squatting plates for latrines. UNICEF hygiene promotion volunteers will support the camps with organizing in-camp teams for cleaning the garbage, keeping the toilets clean and regulating the water supply. With the security situation improving, there is hope that these activities will commence soon.
UNICEF, is a critical member of the Inter-agency Humanitarian Assistance group comprised of the following agencies, led by the Ministry of Labour and Reinsertion, Government of Timor-Leste; WHO, UNICEF, IOM, UNDP, UNFPA, WFP, International Red Cross, Cruz Vermelha De Timor-Leste (National Red Cross), Oxfam Australia, Plan international, Health net, Red Cross and Care International, Catholic Relief Services, Caritas Australia. UNICEF has been actively providing support since early May, ever since the exodus of IDPs started into these camps.
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웹사이트: http://www.unicef.or.kr
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