서울--(뉴스와이어)--동티모르 딜리 내 치안의 어려움으로 구호활동을 펼치는데 어려움이 있다는 내용과 동티모르의 일반적인 상황 소개입니다.
유니세프는 동티모르 지원활동을 펼치는 주요 기구입니다.

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Deteriorating security situation prevents immediate relief reaching thousands who have sought refuge within camps in Dili

28th May, Dili - For nearly 50,000 people in 35 camps in the capital city of Dili, Timor-Leste, relief is still not in sight due to deteriorating the security situation. Although the UN inter-agency humanitarian assistance group comprising of UNICEF among others is prepared to move in with essential supplies to these camps, this help is just a little bit out of reach for those who need it most.

Timorese residents of Dili fearing attacks on their properties and themselves have moved out of their homes into several overcrowded locations in and around Dili. Many people have left the capital for district areas, while others remain in Dili seeking safety and shelter in churches, schools, the airport, and many other locations. Children are exposed to physical and mental trauma and unsanitary living conditions in these camps, some of which house nearly 2000 persons against an original capacity of just 300 or so. At least one-fifth of this number are children (Check)

UNICEF, as a critical member of the UN Inter-agency humanitarian assistance task force, is working round the clock to conduct assessments within camps, procure essential supplies, briefing the national and international media and coordinating with the interagency group set up by the Ministry of Labour and Re-insertion.

UNICEF is specifically responsible for water and sanitation facilities to be beefed up within these camps, attend to the immediate protection of children through, ensuring that they receive immunization and are protected from exploitation and neglect and are given opportunities for being involved in activities to stimulate and engage them. Orders have been placed for basic family water kits, tarpaulin, water tanks, field water testing kits, squatting plates for latrines and school in a box kits.

However, the unstable security situation has prevented access to some areas where there are people in need. If the security situation does not improve, it is possible that the humanitarian crisis could worsen significantly. As long as the situation is so fluid, it is difficult to move freely to distribute relief supplies.

“This causes greater stress on women and their children, who are now faced with no food, are exposed to unsafe water and unclean surroundings. This means that infants and children will be at risk of infections and over a long term, malnutrition”, said Ms.Shui-Meng Ng, UNICEF Representative.

UNICEF along with the Inter-Agency Humanitarian Assistance Group has been delivering assistance until 25th May, after people in Dili were displaced from their homes during the days following the 28th April disturbances.

유니세프한국위원회 개요
유니세프한국위원회는 한국에서 유니세프를 대표하는 기관(비영리법인)으로서 한국위원회의 주된 임무는 세계 어린이를 위해 국내에서 세계 어린이 현황과 유니세프 활동을 널리 알려 어린이돕기 기금을 조성하는 것입니다. 또한, 아동의 권리 홍보 및 모유수유 권장, 세계교육 등의 사업을 통해 어린이 권리를 신장하는 활동도 함께 펼쳐 나갑니다. 유니세프한국위원회가 국내에서 펼치는 모든 활동은 유니세프가 전세계적으로 펼치고 있는 어린이 구호활동을 지지하기 위한 것입니다.



유니세프한국위원회 김재명 대리, 02-735-2315, 018-241-2098, 이메일 보내기

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