Services figures for January
The deficit in services grew by $860 million as growth in outbound tourism and imports of business-related services surpassed the surplus volume in transportation.
In January, exports in transportation fell by 8% to $1.9 billion while imports posted $1.83 billion, an increase of 9.5% from a year earlier. . The trade in transportation, which represented 39.9% in services trade, recorded a surplus of $70 million.
By contrast, the tourism industry posted a deficit of $1.22 billion in January. Inbound tourism dropped by 16.5% to $366 million. However, outbound tourism increased by 29.1% to $1.59 billion.
As for business-related services, exports and imports were up by 23.8% year-on-year to $1.02 billion and by 19% to $1.45 billion, respectively. In total, business-related services posted a trade deficit of $430 million in January this year.
이 보도자료는 Ministry of Commerce, Industry & Energy가(이) 작성해 뉴스와이어 서비스를 통해 배포한 뉴스입니다.
2006년 12월 4일 16:56
2006년 11월 23일 16:46