Samsung Showcased New Levels of Connectivity Technologies for Mobile Phones at CeBIT 2006

뉴스 제공
삼성전자 코스피 005930
2006-03-13 11:39
Seoul--(뉴스와이어)--Samsung showcased new levels of connectivity for mobile phones; Ad-hoc Routing and Ultra-Wideband (UWB) technology. Samsung unveiled mobile phones using Ad-hoc Routing technology and demonstrated UWB technology which support phone-to-phone and phone-to-STB(set-top-box) wireless communications for the first time at CeBIT.


With Samsung’s UWB technology enabled phones, users can transfer large multimedia data such as DVD files and photos to another mobile phone without using the GSM network. Video clips can be quickly downloaded and be displayed instantly on the phone. Also, users can transfer the data to a set-top box and display them on TV. Using UWB technology, people can easily transfer DVD films to a Set-top box equipped with an embedded miniPCI card and enjoy TV viewing on the larger screen immediately.

Ad-hoc Routing

Samsung also demonstrated ad-hoc network routing technology using mobile phones for the first time. This technology enables users to chat, play multiplayer-game, share files and music without using GSM network or any access points (hot-spots). Each handset independently discovers and connects to other handsets to form a multi-hop ad-hoc network. Samsung’s advanced ad-hoc network routing technology allows communication between mobile phones possible in range exceeding hundreds of meters, well beyond the standard scope of 20m to 50m.

Samsung’s ad-hoc technology enabled phones are exhibited in the game and music zones, where users can get hands-on experience on chatting, image sharing, MP3 streaming and game playing using this technology.

With the expected adoption of UWB-enabled mobile phones and Ad-hoc mobile phones in the market, Samsung demonstrates and is ready to offer the technology for futuristic wireless connectivity.

Samsung believes that these technologies will provide an entirely new mobile experience for customers and remains committed to continuing the adoption of innovative technologies.

Please visit Samsung booth at Hall 26 to experience the newest technologies.

삼성전자 개요
삼성전자는 반도체, 통신, 디지털 미디어와 디지털 컨버전스 기술을 보유한 글로벌 리더다. 삼성전자는 디지털 어플라이언스 부문, 디지털 미디어 부분, LCD 부분, 반도체 부분, 통신 네트워크 부분 등 5개 부문으로 이뤄져 있다. 세계에서 가장 빠르게 성장하는 브랜드인 삼성전자는 스마트폰, 디지털 TV, 메모리 반도체, OLED, TFT-LCD 분야에서 세계 선두 주자다.



Sophia Kim 82-(0)2-751-2215 이메일 보내기

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