LG’s Digital Mobile Broadcasting Handset Makes a Timely Entry in Europe

Seoul--(뉴스와이어)--LG Electronics (LG), a leader in consumer electronics and mobile communications, announced today that it will launch its DMB (Digital Mobile Broadcasting) phone business in Europe with the first release of handsets in Germany in May.

The LG-V9000, which was developed by LG last October, is currently being showcased at CeBIT 2006 which opened today and runs until March 15. A giant-sized mock-up of the sleek handset -- equipped with a real, spinning LCD monitor -- is on show at the LG booth and has already been drawing the attention of visitors who have been looking forward to the launch of the DMB service and the release of the phone. DMB is scheduled to be in test service in Germany during May and commercialized in June.

The model is compatible with Europe’s GSM (2G)/ GPRS (2.5G)/ UMTS(WCDMA) (3G) services, which account for 75 percent of the global handset market, and with terrestrial DMB which has been developed in Korea. With its unique wide-swing 2.2 inch LCD screen, the LG-V9000 gives users a quality TV viewing experience for up to three consecutive hours and users are also able to enjoy high-speed multimedia service. Its Mobile XD EngineTM is the key to the screen’s high resolution.

Mr. Mun-Hwa Park, President and CEO of LG Electronics Mobile Communications, said, “This is perfect timing. We are introducing the LG-V9000 in Germany not only to coincide with the launch of the country's DMB service but also just in time for its hosting of the 2006 World Cup. This reflects LG’s smart, pre-emptive strategy in the highly competitive 3G UMTS(WCDMA) market and we believe this will secure our market leadership in the category.”

Meanwhile, Strategy Analytics(SA), a research institute, has predicted that the size of the global mobile TV phone market, which is currently 8 million units accounting for only 1% of the overall handset market, will grow to 120 million units by 2010, representing 10% of handsets worldwide.

LG Electronics 개요
LG Electronics Inc., (KSE: 06657.KS) is the leader in consumer electronics and mobile communications. The company has more than 72,000 employees working in 77 subsidiaries and marketing units around the world. LG Electronics is the world’s largest producer of CDMA handsets, residential air conditioners, optical storage devices and home theatre systems. With total revenue of more than USD 35 billion (consolidated USD 45 billion), LG Electronics is comprised of four business units: Mobile Communications, Digital Appliance, Digital Display and Digital Media. For more information, please visit www.lge.com.

웹사이트: http://www.lge.com


LG Electronics Global PR, Corporate Communications
media contact: Judy Pae at 이메일 보내기 , phone: 82-2-3777-7144

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