Samsung unveils Galaxy Spica (I5700), its newest Android-powered smartphone

뉴스 제공
삼성전자 코스피 005930
2009-11-16 11:06
Seoul--(뉴스와이어)--Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., a leading mobile phone provider, today officially announced its newest Android-powered smartphone, the ‘Galaxy Spica’ (I5700).

Samsung Galaxy Spica is a powerful Android-powered smartphone that offers seamless connectivity, highlighted by smooth access to Google™ mobile services and easy connection to popular social network sites such as Facebook and MySpace.

The Galaxy Spica shows faster and more powerful performance than ever before by providing 800 MHZ application processor, so users can enjoy a variety of applications that can be downloaded from Android Market™.

“Samsung has made a great effort to strengthen our smartphone line up with a wide range of innovative products for every user,” said JK Shin, Executive Vice President and Head of the Mobile Communications Division, Samsung Electronics. “The Samsung Galaxy Spica, powered by Android, is the perfect fit for users who want to enjoy a powerful and fast mobile experience”, he added.

Samsung Galaxy Spica provides an exceptional multimedia experience by supporting DivX for the first time on Android-powered phones to eliminate the hassle of file format conversions. Equipped with DNSe 2.0 for better sound quality and 3.5 mm ear jack, the Galaxy Spica offers the fully comprehensive multimedia feature set. Moreover, a long enough battery life (1500mAh) allows its users to enjoy all the applications and multimedia content. The phone also boasts its slim and compact design with mere 13.2 mm thickness.

The Samsung Galaxy Spica supportsthe full suite of Google services, including Google Search™, Google Maps™, Gmail™, YouTube™, and Google Talk™, letting users enjoy the familiar desktop computer experience while on the move.

The Samsung Galaxy Spica is now available in Europe, CIS, and will be expanded to MEA region.

삼성전자 개요
삼성전자는 반도체, 통신, 디지털 미디어와 디지털 컨버전스 기술을 보유한 글로벌 리더다. 삼성전자는 디지털 어플라이언스 부문, 디지털 미디어 부분, LCD 부분, 반도체 부분, 통신 네트워크 부분 등 5개 부문으로 이뤄져 있다. 세계에서 가장 빠르게 성장하는 브랜드인 삼성전자는 스마트폰, 디지털 TV, 메모리 반도체, OLED, TFT-LCD 분야에서 세계 선두 주자다.



Soojeong Lee
Samsung Electronics
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